Beat the Christmas blues!
Hi, my name is Colette Linehan. Welcome to my website You can also find me really easily on Facebook under Colette Linehan counselling services Limerick & Clare.
Are you, like so many of us, beginning to feel pressure being brought to bear in the run up to the festive season? Do you worry about how you’re going to manage everything-presents from Santa, the food shop, getting on with family members-do you wish that Christmas was all over and that you could put it behind you?? Perhaps you would benefit from taking an hour out of your busy schedule, investing in some “me-time” and talking through any worries & fears with a qualified professional.
Take some time to talk about the things that are troubling you…be kind to yourself…
You can call me in confidence on 087 2798553 to arrange a one-to-one counselling session. My email address is: [email protected].
Facebook: Colette Linehan Counselling Services Limerick & Clare.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.